You may have considered purchasing insurance to offset your pet’s veterinary service costs, and to ensure you have a financial safety net if your pet requires emergency care. Pet insurance reimburses you for certain veterinary expenses after you have met an initial deductible. You may be unsure whether pet insurance is financially beneficial, so our Creature Comforts Veterinary Service team describes some scenarios where a pet insurance plan may be advantageous. 

#1: You recently adopted a puppy or kitten

Before you adopt a pet, look at your budget to determine whether you can financially cover their care costs, keeping in mind that your pet may experience accidents, injuries, and diseases that are a lifelong risk, and can be expensive. By enrolling your pet in an insurance plan when they are young and healthy, you will pay a lower monthly premium, keeping down a future major veterinary bill’s cost. 

Most pet insurance companies do not cover pre-existing conditions (i.e., illnesses diagnosed before your pet’s health insurance coverage takes effect). Before agreeing to cover your pet’s veterinary care services, most pet insurance companies will review your pet’s veterinary records to determine whether they have any pre-existing conditions.

In addition, most pet insurance providers refuse to cover breed-specific conditions (e.g., allergies, hip dysplasia). So, before you select a plan, determine whether the insurance company considers any of your pet’s conditions pre-existing, and will exclude them from coverage. 

If you are considering purchasing your puppy’s or kitten’s health insurance policy, apply now.  When you purchase a pet insurance policy, coverage is often delayed for a specific period, so secure coverage before your pet needs emergency veterinary care or develops a disease that requires costly treatment.

#2: You have multiple pets

Veterinary care costs for multiple pets quickly add up, especially if one becomes ill or is injured. Keep in mind that most pet insurance providers offer a multiple-pet discount to make the policy more cost-effective. Some pet insurance companies offer the same discount for every additional pet, and others provide a sequentially larger discount for each additional pet. Before you finalize your pet insurance agreement, ask your agent to clarify every detail to ensure you understand their multiple-pet policies.

#3: Your pet is accident-prone

If your pet has boundless energy and intense curiosity, or is generally uncoordinated, you may decide an accident-only pet insurance plan is the policy type that can help save you money while covering your pet’s medical care expenses when necessary. Accident-only coverage reimburses you for care costs when your pet experiences an emergency such as broken bones, bite wounds, lacerations, toxin and foreign body ingestion. Because accident-only plans cover few health issues, they are typically the most affordable, and can provide you financial peace of mind if your pet has an emergency. 

An accident-only pet insurance plan covers veterinary expenses related to an accident, but not related to an illness, such as cancer or recurring ear infections. If you prefer an insurance plan that covers diagnosis and treatment costs for conditions such as cancer, endocrine disorders, and some orthopedic injuries, choose an illness and accident coverage policy. 

#4: You are not financially prepared for a costly pet emergency

Ideally, you have the financial ability to pay for your pet’s basic preventive care and potential emergency veterinary care. No one wants to choose between treating an ill pet and building a mountain of debt, but if you are not financially prepared for your pet’s emergency medical costs, a pet insurance policy can be an affordable option to help you be prepared for a costly emergency. 

#5: You schedule regular wellness exams for your pet

If you routinely schedule your pet’s regular wellness exams and preventive care, you are ahead of the curve for ensuring your pet’s long-term health and wellbeing. In addition, when you purchase an insurance policy with a wellness coverage add-on, your plan may cover many common veterinary care expenses, significantly reducing your pet’s wellness care costs. A wellness coverage add-on may reimburse you for your pet’s preventive veterinary services, such as:

  • Annual wellness exams
  • Vaccinations
  • Routine blood work
  • Spay and neuter procedures
  • Dental cleanings
  • Flea, tick, and heartworm prevention and testing
  • Grooming 

Pet insurance plans can be financially beneficial, but every plan is different, and you should consider all the available options and understand your coverage. We firmly believe that after you have thoroughly researched a plan’s available coverage options, you will choose the policy that is right for you and your pet. Our team is always here to help, so contact Creature Comforts Veterinary Service with any pet insurance-related questions.