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So far Creature Comforts Veterinary Service has created 142 blog entries.

10 Simple Ways to Support Your Senior Pet At Home

Your senior pet has given you a lifetime of love and devotion, and you hate to see them growing older. While you can’t stop the passage of time, you can support your furry pal and help them make the most of their golden years. Here are 10 simple ways you can boost your senior pet’s [...]

Uterine Infections in Dogs and Cats

In the United States, most female dogs and cats who aren’t slated for breeding are spayed. Removing their uterus and ovaries prevents unwanted pregnancies and eliminates the potential for reproductive and mammary cancers. Pets who are not spayed at a young age are at risk for a serious, often life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra.  The [...]

Wellness Screening: An Investment in Your Pet’s Future

Waiting for your pet’s veterinary test results can be extremely nerve-wracking, and you may imagine the various afflictions and worst-case scenarios that could be affecting your furry pal. Fortunately, your anxiety subsides when your veterinary professional tells you, “Everything looks normal.” While undervaluing your pet’s wellness screenings can be easy, especially when the results are [...]

Pet Weight Management Frequently Asked Questions

You love your pet, but if you express this emotion by giving them food, such as table scraps or extra treats, you could be putting your furry pal’s health at risk. Resisting those adorable, pleading eyes while you eat can be difficult, but ignoring your pet's begging is the most loving response you can give. [...]

A Deeper Look at Feline Arthritis

You don’t want your cat to suffer in silence, but the reality is that cats are quite skilled at hiding pain, as exhibiting illness signs would cause predators in the wild to view them as being vulnerable. Arthritis impacts 60% of cats older than age 6, and 90% of cats older than age 10. Although [...]

Do-It-Yourself Toys for Cats and Dogs

Your pet fills your life with joy, unconditional love, and entertaining moments. In turn, your responsibility is to ensure that your four-legged friend’s world is equally full: enriched, stimulating, and enjoyable. As a pet owner, you are likely familiar with the term enrichment, which pet toy marketers bandy about as a way to sell expensive [...]

Frequently Asked Questions About Feline Respiratory Infections

If your cat is sneezing, has runny eyes, and nasal discharge, they may be suffering from a feline respiratory infection, a condition that affects nearly all cats at some point in their life. While these infections are often relatively mild and clear up on their own, some can cause severe illness, and your feline friend [...]

Hunting Season Safety Tips for Pets

Hunting season is in full swing, and whether you plan to hunt with your dog or you live in an area that hunters frequent, learn how to keep your pet out of harm’s way. Read our Creature Comforts Veterinary Service team’s tips to keep your four-legged friend safe during hunting season. #1: Keep your pet [...]

5 Common Eye Conditions in Pets

Like people, pets can suffer from various eye health issues that impact their vision and how they navigate their world. Diagnosing eye problems early can help your pet feel better sooner and, more importantly, can decrease their likelihood of permanent eye damage. Our team at Creature Comforts Veterinary Service shares five common eye diseases to [...]

Want a New Pet? Ask These Questions Before You Choose

Welcoming a pet into your home can give your family immeasurable joy and loyal companionship. However, a pet is a long-term commitment and requires careful consideration and preparation. If you are considering a new pet, the Creature Comforts Veterinary Service team wants you to answer the following questions, which will guide your decision-making and help [...]

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