
Creature Comforts has always been on the forefront of new developments in practice. In 1989, it became the first practice to own a Vettest chemistry machine, which has since become the most popular clinical analyzer in the country. CCVS was the first practice to offer laser surgery in Northeast PA in 1998. In 2016, the practice acquired a brand-new surgical laser. CCVS remains the first and only one of three 24/7 practice in Northeast Pennsylvania. Ultrasound technology has been part of the practice since 1991, but in December, 2003, a new color digital ultrasound was acquired. In 2014, that unit was updated to include 3D digital technology. When pain management became an AAHA requirement in 2006, no protocol changes needed to be made because pain management was already an integral part of the practice. Besides traditional medicine and surgery, this practice offers chiropractic, acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, homeopathy, Western herbal medicine, and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. The ultimate goal is to offer the patient whatever it needs to maintain good health.